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The purpose of this document is to set out Tendring District Council’s policy for Overtime, Standby and Disturbance Payments, including those covered by Emergency Planning.
This Policy was first implemented on 1st April 2018 and was subject to review January 2023. It replaces and supersedes all previous terms and conditions regarding overtime.
This document does not include the schedule of rates paid. This is available on the Council’s intranet.
Tendring District Council is committed to ensuring it is able to provide the highest quality service for its residents. At times, this can mean providing a response outside of standard working hours.
Within the Council there are three distinct categories of service provision:
In addition, the Council has a statutory requirement to provide an Emergency Response service for the district. Officers who support this service (in an on-call capacity) are referred to as First Call Officers.
Furthermore, the Council’s Emergency Planning Manager holds a Staff Call-down List, whereby, staff are either put on standby or deployed in response to a serious incident.
Employees working in a category 1 services will be able to claim enhanced rates of overtime for evenings, weekends and bank holidays for those staff who have worked 37 hours any one week.
Please note that within this document the phrases ‘standby’ and ‘on-call’ are used interchangeably.
Services that fall into Category 2 provide a standby service. Standby is provided outside core office hours, that is, from 6pm to 8am Monday to Friday and all day on weekends and Bank Holidays.
The responsibility for operational arrangements to respond effectively to out of hours calls rests with the Assistant Director/Head of Service. For each standby service, the Assistant Director/Head of Service will complete the Standby Service Specification Form (see Appendix 5). Services may take slightly different approaches to how this is organised dependent upon operational needs. However, services are encouraged to adhere to the following guidelines whenever possible:
Any staff member who is on-call is required to sign the terms of service prior to providing standby. Failure to adhere to the terms of service could result in disciplinary action. The terms of service are shown in Appendix 1 and 2.
Standby payments are paid to the staff member for being on-call outside office hours. The standby payment amount can be found on the schedule of rates paid.
If a member of staff is contacted they are eligible for TOIL or overtime (subject to service arrangements). TOIL or overtime applies after the first 30 minutes of ‘call’ for each standby day.
Claims for payment should be made by completing the Allowances Claims Form (Appendix 3) and submitting to payroll following line manager approval. Payments will be made by payroll into salary providing claims are received by the 3rd working day of each month.
Accrued TOIL must be recorded and taken within two months.
Disturbance payments are made to staff who respond to an unexpected event out of standard office hours for up to four hours. This will mostly apply to Category 3 services. The disturbance payment amount can be found on the schedule of rates paid. After a response lasts more than 30 minutes, staff are eligible to claim TOIL or overtime subject to local service arrangements.
Officers may be required to attend Committee meetings as part of their role. The Council pays a one off allowance per Committee meeting which is linked to the NJC pay award.
If the duration of the meeting is 3 hours or less, officers will receive this allowance.
For meetings exceeding a 3-hour period, the officer will receive the allowance as mentioned above, in addition they can claim TOIL for the time attended over the 3 hour period.
As part of the Council’s Emergency Planning response arrangements, a number of Officers act as First Call Officers. Officers who undertake this duty are required to accept the role as a ‘supplementary’ post with additional terms and conditions. FCO’s can resign from the role by giving one month’s notice in writing.
FCO’s are recruited and managed by the Emergency Planning Manager. For information on how to apply to be a FCO staff should contact the Emergency Planning Manager.
FCO’s operate a rota on the same basis as that outlined above for Standby. Full details of the process are available from the Emergency Planning Manager.
From time to time the organisation, in conjunction with other agencies, responds to a local actual or threatened, emergency or disaster. On these occasions all staff are required to provide their support.
Staff who are placed on standby outside of standard office hours, will be entitled to claim the standard daily standby allowance.
Furthermore, if they are deployed outside of standard office hours, they are eligible for TOIL or overtime (subject to service arrangements and at the managers’ discretion) up to six hours. TOIL or overtime applies after the first 30 minutes of ‘call’ for each standby day If their deployment extends beyond 6 hours, then they will also be paid a one off ex-gratia payment of up to £200 (subject to deductions)
A record of eligible staff is maintained by the Emergency Planning Manager. Payments are made by payroll in the pay month following receipt of the information from the Emergency Planning Manager.
Careline is the Council’s designated 24 hour point of contact for the public and external agencies to make contact with the authority out of hours. As such, it fields a wide variety of calls from numerous sources.
Careline’s task is to contact the appropriate council officer to respond to the call. As such, Careline needs to have accurate and up to date information from those services that provide Standby or those who are FCO’s. The information should include the contact telephone number (if a service has a dedicated mobile for this purpose it will be more efficient) and what calls they will respond to.
It is the responsibility of the Assistant Director/Head of Service (Emergency Planning Manager for FCO’s) to ensure that Careline have the correct information on the Standby service specification form so that call alerts are directed correctly.
All Officers who provide a Standby/On call service outside office hours are required to adhere to the following. Failure to meet these requirements may result in formal disciplinary action as outlined in the Council’s Disciplinary Procedures.
The role of Standby Duty Officer is to provide a response to an out of hours call, that is, 6pm to 8am Monday to Friday and all day at weekends and Bank Holidays.
Standby rota duties will normally be undertaken for a seven day (24hour) period on a rota.
In exceptional circumstances, due to staff shortage, holidays or sickness, a Standby Duty Officer may be required to provide extra cover. In most circumstances, it is expected this would be pre-planned and arranged on a ‘swap’ basis with the agreement of the line manager.
Throughout a Standby Duty Officer rota period you must:
I confirm that I have read and understood the information contained in the above document and that failure to satisfactorily fulfil the duties detailed above is subject to the organisation’s normal performance management and disciplinary procedures.
All Officers who act as First Call Officers (FCO) are required to adhere to the following. Failure to meet these requirements may result in formal disciplinary action as outlined in the Council’s Disciplinary Procedures.
The role of a FCO is to provide 24/7 point contact for receiving notification of an actual or potential incident affecting the District, 24/ 7 for a 7 day period, including weekends and Bank Holidays, and alerting strategic, tactical operational officers as required. Therefore initiating the authority’s emergency response.
FCO rota duties will normally be undertaken for a seven day (24hour) period on a rota.
In exceptional circumstances, due to staff shortage, holidays or sickness, a FCO may be required to provide extra cover. In most circumstances, it is expected this would be pre-planned and arranged on a ‘swap’ basis with the agreement of the line manager.
FCOs are expected to ensure their period of cover does not clash with planned annual leave. This may be allowed, in exceptional circumstances, by the Emergency Planning Manager, full details explaining why this occurred must be provided by the duty FCO for consideration by the Emergency Planning Manager. Alternatively, they should contact a member of the Emergency Planning team to arrange collection of the Duty Kit and then alternative cover can be arranged.
Should a duty FCO become unwell during their period of cover, as long as they have not been certified as ‘unfit for work’ by a medical professional and they are able to receive and make telephone calls, and are happy to do so, then they may continue to provide the role of duty FCO. However, if they feel unable to deliver this cover due to their condition, then they should contact a member of the Emergency Planning team to arrange collection of the Duty Kit and then alternative cover can be arranged.
Throughout an FCO rota period the officer must:
As a FCO (Emergency Planning), you will be required to participate in training for the role. In general, it is not expected that this training will be more than a total of two days per year.
As a FCO (Emergency Planning), you will be required to work under the direction of the Emergency Planning Manager and participate in regular reviews and one to ones as required for the role.
FCO (Emergency Planning) is a contractual role. Failure to satisfactorily fulfil the duties detailed above is subject to the organisation’s normal performance management and disciplinary procedures.
You may tender your resignation from this role at any time subject to four weeks’ notice. The notice period is to enable a replacement to be recruited.
I confirm that I have read and understood the information contained in the above document and that failure to adhere to these requirements could result in disciplinary action.
Overtime/Additional Hours Form
Illustrative Standby Service Specification
Service Name: Seagull Control
Telephone Number: 07965123456
Call Reason time agreed: 60 Minutes
Description of calls to be forwarded: Aggressive gulls stealing chips, Gulls with more than one nest, Gull noise above 6db between 10pm and 6am.
Special Notes: Calls about gulls that are taking abandoned chips do not need a notification to Seagull control standby officers. Nest under occupancy calls will be dealt with during standard office hours.
Name of officer on standby rota:
Assistant Director/Head of Service signature: