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Most people join a union because they want protection at work - help with pay and conditions of service, legal or health and safety advice or representation in case things go wrong at work. That's what we're here for. UNISON negotiates on pay and working conditions at every level - local, regional and national.
Legal help - for you at work and your family at home.
• Financial assistance and debt advice in times of need.
• Helpline - open until midnight weekdays and 4pm Saturday.
• Exclusive member discounts - including money off cars and holidays.
• Education and training advice and courses leading to vocational and professional qualifications.
• Pensions advice and welfare services as well as certain benefits guaranteed by our rulebook.
We are always looking for people who feel they can contribute to the branch and to helping other members. This could be a regular commitment or just the occasional hour or so. We also provide training courses and support for our reps and officers, you can contact any of the officers shown above if you would like to find out more.
o Branch Chairman: Tommy Draper
All members of the Tendring DC UNISON branch can attend branch meetings, vote and stand in branch elections and get involved in our campaigns and activities.
We are always looking for people who feel they can contribute to the branch and to helping other members. This could be a regular commitment or just the occasional hour or so. We also provide training courses and support for our reps and officers, you can contact any of the officers shown above if you would like to find out more.
UNISON provides training for new reps, Equality Reps, Health and Safety reps and UNISON Learning Reps
Getting Started Courses are for newly appointed stewards and / or those stewards who have not yetattended a UNISON training course
Follow on / Single issue Courses are for more experienced stewards and if you have been a steward for a while and been on UNISON or TUC courses then you can develop your skills and knowledge by attending these courses. These courses could also be for fairly new reps who have a particular interest in an area of union work e.g. pensions, though for some you do need to have completed one of the relevant "Getting Started" courses first.
Law Courses - we run local introduction to Employment Law courses (called Rights at Work) and more advanced updates and briefings.
Organising and RunningYour Branch these are courses to help branch officers in their roles - we will be running the courses in conjunction with Greater London Region.