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Welcome to the Tendring DC Branch of UNISON.

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Why to join UNISON

Most people join a union because they want protection at work - help with pay and conditions of service, legal or health and safety advice or representation in case things go wrong at work. That's what we're here for. UNISON negotiates on pay and working conditions at every level - local, regional and national.

UNISON also offers

Legal help - for you at work and your family at home.
• Financial assistance and debt advice in times of need.
• Helpline - open until midnight weekdays and 4pm Saturday.
• Exclusive member discounts - including money off cars and holidays.
• Education and training advice and courses leading to vocational and professional qualifications.
• Pensions advice and welfare services as well as certain benefits guaranteed by our rulebook.

Already a member and need help?
About us...
Your branch committee members...
Training and development of union reps...