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1.1 Tendring District Council expects the employee to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects well on the organisation and high standards of professional behaviour are required at all times. Wherever possible, the procedure is designed to encourage improvements in an individual’s behaviour and not to punish. The Council prefers whenever possible to resolve problems informally such as through the use of performance management, one to one meetings, Mediation and/or Training. Although it is recognised that circumstances may require formal steps to be taken.
1.2 Managers are expected to manage employees effectively to prevent matters escalating, and the disciplinary procedures will only be used as a last resort.
1.3 Tendring District Council is committed to ensure that its disciplinary procedures comply with all relevant legislation and guidance as appropriate, including the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures.
1.4 This Policy is in accordance with the Tendring District Council Constitution
and all subsequent amendments.
2.1 The Council aims to have a fair, consistent and systematic approach to the enforcement of standards of conduct for all employees. The purpose of the disciplinary procedure is to deal with unsatisfactory behaviour. The procedures will normally be followed if, in the view of Tendring District Council, the employee acts in a manner that is contrary to normal acceptable standards of conduct/behaviour or to the terms and conditions of their employment.
2.2 The procedure applies to all employees of Tendring District Council, with the exception of the Council’s Statutory Officers who are covered by National Employer’s procedures. These are agreements of the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Chief Executives and Chief Officers of Local Authorities. Cases where an employee’s ability to undertake the job they are employed to do is in question, will normally be dealt with under the Capability Procedure. Human Resources will advise on the best course of action to take in these circumstances.
2.3 Where employees are subject to a probationary period, matters of capability, competence and general suitability for the job will be assessed in accordance with the probationary scheme.
3.1 No disciplinary action will be taken until the matter has been fully investigated and at every stage the employee will have an opportunity to hear the case against them and respond. The employee will also have the 4 Disciplinary Policy, Rules and Procedure – October 2017 opportunity to be represented, normally, by either a trade union official or a work colleague at any disciplinary meeting or hearings. All decisions reached will be unbiased and based on the evidence gained.
3.2 It is not possible to specify all forms of behaviour which may result in disciplinary action. Each case will be judged on its merits taking into consideration the circumstances surrounding it.
3.3 All records relating to a disciplinary will be treated as confidential and kept in accordance with Data Protection Legislation, which gives individuals the right to request and have access to certain personal data.
3.4 Managers will be aware that these procedures must be followed and advice and guidance sought from Human Resources if a disciplinary matter arises. There are substantial financial and legal risks to the Council if these procedures are not correctly followed.
4.1 Where misconduct is reported, a decision is made by Human Resources in conjunction with the Corporate Director as to whether a Disciplinary Investigation is required. Human Resources will appoint an Investigating Officer (if appropriate), who will then be supported by a Human Resources representative.
4.2 The decision to suspend staff rests with the Corporate Director in conjunction with the Head of People, Performance & Projects. The final decision to dismiss rests with the Head of People, Performance & Projects and the Chief Executive Officer.
4.3 Human Resources may appoint an external Investigating Officer and/or Human Resources representative, if there is a lack of internal resources to ensure a swift disciplinary investigation.
5.1 The role of Human Resources is as follows:
The Investigating Officer or Manager will:
6.2 All employees are required to co-operate fully with any investigation. This includes attendance at any meetings or hearings, providing full and honest answers to questions asked by the Investigating Officer and giving details of any potential witnesses, if appropriate. Any attempt to interfere with, delay or disrupt an investigation process will be treated very seriously by the Council and may warrant in itself disciplinary action.
The employee is entitled to:
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Employees Rights, in accordance with the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary Procedures.
Step 1: a written note to the employee setting out the allegation and the basis for it;
Step 2: a meeting to consider and discuss the allegation;
Step 3: a right of appeal including an appeal meeting.
8.1 Suspension will normally occur in cases of gross misconduct or in cases where further investigation is necessary and keeping the employee in the workplace may affect evidence. A decision to suspend will be made by the relevant Corporate Director in conjunction with the Head of People, Performance & Projects. If the case involves a Corporate Director, (in agreement with the Tendring District Council Constitution; Part 3 Delegated Powers) the decision to suspend will be made by the Chief Executive in conjunction with the Head of People, Performance & Projects.
8.2 Any member of staff suspended will be notified orally at the time by the relevant Corporate Director and a member of Human Resources. The employee must be told the reason for the suspension and any special conditions that apply to the suspension. During the suspension the employee must not visit any Council workplace or be involved in any Council business. All contact will be directed through Human Resources. The suspension will be confirmed in writing within 7 working days.
8.3 Suspension will be at full pay pending investigation and actions. Full pay is defined as the pay which would otherwise have been earned during the period of suspension.
8.4 Suspension is not a disciplinary penalty; it will be regarded as a ‘neutral’ act by the employer. It is expected that it will be regularly reviewed and if an investigation lasts two weeks or more, then contact will be made with the suspended employee giving an update on progress and potential timescales. It is good practice for the Investigating Officer to remain in constant contact with the suspended employee.
8.5 The Council requires all employees to co-operate fully with any investigation and the Council reserves the right to withhold pay at any stage during a period of suspension if it is deemed that the employee is unreasonably delaying the investigation process.
9.1 An investigation is essential to ensure the disciplinary matters have been handled fully and fairly. An investigation must include:
9.2 Where it is considered that an employee’s conduct may justify disciplinary action, a formal investigation must be undertaken without unreasonable delay. If there is a financial or other serious irregularity, Internal Audit must be consulted immediately. Human Resources will then work closely with Internal Audit, to avoid, wherever possible duplication of investigation.
9.3 If there is concern over the misuse of email, intranet or internet as detailed in Tendring District Council’s Email, Intranet and Internet Policy the ICT Manager will be informed and a representative of ICT will be involved in any investigation process to provide expert technical advice. Again, both Corporate Services and Human Resources will work closely together to avoid wherever possible, duplication of investigation.
9.4 If an employee is arrested on any charge, or served with a summons on a criminal charge, whether arising out of employment or not, the status of the employee must be considered immediately. The Corporate Director, in consultation with Human Resources, will consider whether or not the alleged offence has any implications to the duties of the individual at work.
9.5 Any decision to suspend will be taken in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 8.
9.6 If the allegation relates to a Trade Union representative, Human Resources must be informed immediately so that the Union’s full time Regional Officer can be notified. No further action, with the possible exception of suspension if appropriate, must be taken until the allegations have been discussed, after obtaining the employee’s agreement, with the Regional Trade Union Officer.
9.7 The purpose of the investigation is not to decide on disciplinary action but to establish whether there is a case to answer. If the Investigating Officer decides there is a case to answer, the allegations will be considered at a disciplinary hearing.
9.8 As part of the investigation, the Investigating Officer with a member of Human Resources, will interview the people involved and consider any relevant records or other written information. The Investigating Officer will interview the employee about their conduct, explaining the allegation and questioning the employee in detail. The Investigating Officer, in conjunction with Human Resources, will inform the employee they may be accompanied to any disciplinary meeting, normally by a trade union official or work colleague. They will explain that the purpose of the interview is to obtain information which will help the Investigating Officer decide whether there is a case to answer. The employee may ask the Investigating Officer to consider 9 Disciplinary Policy, Rules and Procedure – October 2017 other relevant evidence or, within reason, to interview people who have not yet been seen. As a matter of good practice, employees under investigation and (potential) witnesses will be asked to read and sign statements to the effect that they represent a fair record of any information given. This is not an opportunity to change answers but to confirm that a true statement of the meeting has been taken.
9.9 After the investigation is completed, the Investigating Officer will provide a report, with recommendations, to the Head of People, Performance & Projects. The employee will then be informed, in writing, by Human Resources immediately of the outcome of the investigation. If there is a case to answer, Human Resources will arrange a hearing.
10.1 Where, following the investigation, the Head of People, Performance & Projects/Corporate Director decides there is a case to answer, Human Resources will write to the employee outlining the proposed action. This will include:
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11.1 The Panel will normally be a Corporate Director, a representative from Human Resources and another Independent Manager. In exceptional circumstances, in particular to deal with matters swiftly, external panel member/s may be appointed to hear a case. Hearings will always consist of a least three panel members, one of whom will be appointed as Chairperson.
11.2 The Chairperson hearing the case will:
11.3 The employee is entitled to:
12.1 Informal action
Mediation maybe deemed appropriate
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Where an allegation is identified as a lack of awareness, then additional training can be offered. Such as in the cases of bullying and harassment, and any form of discrimination. Application of Performance Management arrangements (see Capability Procedure).
12.3 Written Warning
A first written warning may be issued for a more serious offence which does not justify a final warning or dismissal or if there is a repetition of minor offences. The Disciplinary Panel will make a decision as to any disciplinary action, which the employee will be informed, in writing by Human Resources:
Employees will be required to sign and return a copy of the warning which will be held on their personal files.
A written warning will be expunged after six months.
12.4 Final Written Warning
A final written warning may be issued where the employee’s misconduct, omission or, in certain circumstances, failure in performance gives further cause for concern, or where initially the matter is of a more serious nature but falls short of gross misconduct.
Reference will be made to any current previous warnings, and the employee must understand that any further breach of conduct could result in dismissal.
Human Resources will confirm all these details in writing.
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A final written warning will be expunged after 12 months.
12.5 Dismissal with and without Notice
Where a final warning does not bring about stated improvements, the employee will be required to attend a further disciplinary hearing and, following any necessary investigations, unless there are exceptional circumstances, will be dismissed subject to the appropriate notice period. Details of the reasons for dismissal and appeal rights will be included in the employee’s dismissal letter which will be issued by Human Resources following the same procedure as the warning letters.
An employee may also be dismissed where they have committed an act of serious misconduct, omission or, in certain situations, a significant failure in performance. If, after the investigation and on the balance of probabilities, this is established and the necessary trust between employer and employee is broken leading to a situation which, in the opinion of the Corporate Director in consultation with Human Resources, makes continuous employment impossible, dismissal subject to notice may take place.
Under delegated powers, as outlined in Part 3 of the Constitution, the dismissal of staff up to Corporate Director level is delegated to the Corporate Director (within their areas of responsibility) in consultation with the Head of People, Performance and Projects.
The dismissal of a Corporate Director is delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Head of People, Performance and Projects. The dismissal of any of the Council’s three Statutory Officers will be managed by a sub-committee of the Human Resources Committee, in consultation with the Head of People, Performance and Projects.
Where, after investigation and on the balance of probabilities gross misconduct is established, the employee may be dismissed without notice.
14.1 All disciplinary actions as a result of a hearing will be confirmed in writing from the Chair of the Disciplinary panel, and will state:
14.2 Employees will be required to sign and return a copy of any such letter.
14.3 All disciplinary papers including the employees, witnesses and panel members will be kept confidential during the disciplinary processes and then be returned to Human Resources, following the conclusion of any disciplinary action.
14.4 Except in the case of established gross misconduct or where a final written warning has been unsuccessful, the procedures provide for employees to try to improve their conduct and/or performance. If an employee has personal/domestic difficulties, or if the problem is caused by something beyond the employee’s control, the manager will offer reasonable assistance.
14.5 Where an investigation results in no disciplinary action being taken, all details of such action will be expunged from the employee’s personal file and the employee will be informed accordingly.
14.6 Normally, a final written warning will be disregarded after a maximum of 12 months from the date of the Chairperson’s decision. However, exceptionally the Chairperson may wish at the onset to stipulate a longer maximum review period than 12 months because of the circumstances of the case, up to a period of 24 months e.g. if the case relates to repeated breaches of the same or similar disciplinary rules.
15.1 Refer to Appeal Policy
16.1 Employees subject to disciplinary action will have access to all records and correspondence on file. After satisfactory completion of the specified period all records will be marked as ‘Out of Time’ on the employee’s personal file but retained with Human Resources.
16.2 Access to personnel records, will be in accordance with the Corporate Data Protection Policy.
17.1 Any questions regarding the interpretation of this policy will be directed to Human Resources.
Please note these examples are neither exclusive nor exhaustive.