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Tendring District Council is committed to protecting your privacy rights as an employee. In compliance with Data Protection legislation, the Council is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). The detail of this registration can be viewed by searching the public register on the ICO website (www.ico.org.uk ) for ‘Tendring District Council’. This Privacy Notice explains how we use your information and how we protect your privacy. Tendring District Council has a Data Protection Officer to ensure that we respect your rights and follow the law.
If you have any concerns or questions about how we look after your personal information or wish to exercise any of Your Rights, please contact:
The Data Protection Officer
Tendring District Council
Town Hall
Station Road
Clacton on Sea
Essex CO15 1SE
Personal information (or Personal Data) can be anything that identifies and relates to a living person (natural persons). For example, your name and contact details.
Some information is considered to be ‘Special Category’ information and needs more protection due to its sensitivity. This includes information relating to :-
The Council will use your personal information as employees for the purposes of:
We’ll do what we can to make sure we process records about you (on paper and electronically) in a secure way, and we’ll only make them available to those who have a right to see them. Examples of our security include:
The Council only collects and uses personal information where it is needed to comply with a legal obligation; performance of a task carried out in the public interest; exercise of official authority; or with your consent, and it may be shared for the same reasons. Your personal information is only kept for as long as is necessary for those identified purposes. Where it is necessary for us to share your information this will be done in a secure way which has been subjected to a privacy impact assessment (PIA). Where other organisations process your information on our behalf, this is carried out under contract and an information sharing agreement will be in place between the organisations involved. Wherever information is needed solely for general or statistical purposes, or is kept for a longer period, we will ensure that all personal identifiers are removed so that it becomes anonymous and therefore no longer ‘personal information’.
Data Protection law gives you a number of legal rights. These are :-
You can make a request to see your personal information at any time. This is known as a Subject Access Request and can only be made by the person to whom the information relates or their authorised representative. Requests should include sufficient information to clearly identify you so that we don’t provide your information to someone attempting to impersonate you. For example, your full name, address, and payroll number or other contact details we may record. In this way we can ensure your privacy rights continue to be protected. If you wish to authorise someone to act on your behalf – this could be another individual or an organisation, such as your legal representative, union representative or Citizens Advice, it is important that you make your wishes clear and provide an appropriate, signed, form of authority so that we know they are acting under your instruction.
Please send your requests to:
The Data Protection Officer
Tendring District Council
Town Hall
Station Road
Clacton on Sea
Essex CO15 1SE
If you wish to make a complaint or request a restriction relating to how your personal information is being used by the Council, please provide as much information as
possible so that we can review your request or conduct an investigation into the complaint. If you wish to appoint someone to act on your behalf – this could be another individual or an organisation, such as your legal representative or Citizens Advice, it is important that you make your wishes clear and provide an appropriate, signed, form of authority so that we know they are acting under your instruction.
Please send your requests to:
The Data Protection Officer
Tendring District Council
Town Hall
Station Road
Clacton on Sea
Essex CO15 1SE
If you need to provide an update to your information, please contact Human Resouces directly by email humanresources@tendringdc.gov.uk . However, if we wish to correct information that you consider to be inaccurate, please contact :
The Data Protection Officer
Tendring District Council
Town Hall
Station Road
Clacton on Sea
Essex CO15 1SE
If you wish to appoint someone to act on your behalf – this could be another individual or an organisation, such as your legal representative or Citizens Advice, it is important that you make your wishes clear and provide an appropriate, signed, form of authority so that we know they are acting under your instruction.
You can make a request for your information to be permanently deleted. However your request can only be complied with where the Council has no lawful requirement to retain it. Please provide as much information as possible so that we can consider your request. If you wish to appoint someone to act on your behalf – this could be another individual or an organisation, such as your legal representative or Citizens Advice, it is important that you make your wishes clear and provide an appropriate, signed, form of authority so that we know they are acting under your instruction.
Please send your requests to:
The Data Protection Officer
Tendring District Council
Town Hall
Station Road
Clacton on Sea
Essex CO15 1SE
The right to Data portability is unlikely to apply to the processing of your personal information as an employee of the Council. However, if you wish to exercise this right, please contact:
The Data Protection Officer
Tendring District Council
Town Hall
Station Road
Clacton on Sea
Essex CO15 1SE
If you have any worries or questions about how your personal information is processed please contact our Data Protection Officer in confidence.
For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 national rate