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It is the duty of every employer to consider any health issues that might affect an employee's ability to safely fulfil their job. A referral is made when an individual is expected to be off sick from work for four weeks or more or three consecutive absences in a 12 month rolling period. This is to ensure that consideration can be given to any adjustments that might be required in respect of working activities, hours, shifts, absence, etc. to assist an individual in remaining or returning to work safely.
A line manager should consider making an employee referral when:
It is recommended that a referral is made as early as possible when it is evident the employee may be absent from work.
You will need to raise a referral using the OH Referral Form providing clear, detailed information ensuring you are clear about why you are making the referral. You will need to decide what questions you wish to ask and select them accordingly. Please note only the questions you specify on the referral form will be answered. Before you submit the referral form you must discuss the content of the referral with the employee as the content will form the basis of the OH appointment. When completing the referral form please discuss this consent with the employee and gain their consent to share their medical information with the OH Provider. Please retain a copy of the consent for your records and pass on to HR where consent has been provided.
Once the referral is received, it will be forwarded to the OH Provider, who will contact the employee to arrange an appointment as soon as possible, with a OH Advisor or OH Physician.
The OH advisor or OH Physician will discuss the reason/s for referral and gather information about the employee’s current health and any planned investigations/ treatment in order to make recommendations on whether they are:
They will try to identify possible barriers that may be preventing the employee from remaining at or returning to return to work. Providing the employee consents to the release of the report, the OH advisor will produce a report that will be sent to you. Please note it is not the role of the OH advisor or OH Physician to treat, diagnose or carry out any physical examination.
The OH report will not include any specific medical details, unless the employee has provided written consent for this information to be shared. It will provide answers to the questions that you have asked in the referral form and include OH recommendations for you to consider that may assist the employee’s recovery/return to work. The report is not a record of the conversation that took place during the appointment The advice provided is the medical opinion of the OH Advisor or OH Physician. It is your role as line manager/senior manager to consider the advice in respect of the business needs of your service and any decision you make should be justified.
At the end of the appointment the OH Advisor or OH Physician will request written consent from the employee agreeing to release the OH report to their employer. If consent is not provided the report will not be released and, therefore, any decision you need to make will have to be done so without the medical information. If an employee wishes to see the report before providing consent, they have two working days in which to provide written consent to the OH Advisor to enable release of the report. If consent has not been provided you will be informed.
Once you have received the OH report, it is recommended that you arrange to meet with the employee to discuss the content of the report in order to agree on the support/actions you will take and how you will monitor the employee’s progress. It may be advisable that you seek advice from a member of the HR team. If the OH report advises that the employee is not currently fit for work, then the employee cannot attend work and must obtain a Statement of Fitness from their GP, in line with the recommendations of the OH report. Please ensure that you also update a member of the Human Resources team. Further advice and guidance will then be sought, to support the employee, in line with the Sickness Absence Policy.
If an employee does not wish to attend an OH appointment they should where possible discuss their reasoning with their line manager. If they do not attend you may have to make decisions on their employment without the benefit of OH advice.
If an employee fails to turn up to an appointment the OH Advisor will try to contact the employee by telephone. We will also notify the line manager and ask whether you would like a further appointment to be arranged. If we do not receive 48 hours’ notice of cancellation you will be charged for the appointment in full unless there are mitigating circumstances.