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A privacy notice is a statement made to individuals, informing them on how their personal data will be used and for what purpose. This fulfils the GDPR’s ‘right to be informed’.
Personal information is processed by Tendring District Council for a number of purposes. To remain transparent and fair to individuals, departmental privacy notices are required and must be kept up to date and reflect any changes in their data processing practices.
IMPORTANT - Getting this right helps the Council to comply with the GDPR and build trust with people; getting it wrong can leave the Council open to fines and lead to reputational damage.
There are specific items that all privacy notices must include in order to fully inform the individual on how their data is being processed in a particular case. These are set out at Articles 13 and 14 of the UK-GDPR. The notice must be easy to read and understand and wherever possible should be placed at the point of collection for individuals to make an informed decision.
The following list contains information that must be included in a privacy notice:
Please see attached privacy notice template. If you need assistance to draft a privacy notice, please contact the Data Protection Officer:
Email: dpaofficer@tendringdc.gov.uk
Tel: 01255 68 6060
Further details regarding Privacy Notices can be found on the Information Commissioner's Office website at the following links –