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The Council processes personal data about its staff for a number of administrative purposes to comply with the legal requirements of an employment contract.
This includes:
The Council also processes Special Category Data for the following specific purposes:
Pay and Sick Leave schemes, managing absence, administering Maternity Leave and related pay schemes.
Article 6 Lawfulness of Processing (Section 1, (b) :
Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.
Article 9 Processing of special categories of personal data
(Section 2, (b)):
Processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law.
Personal details as required. These may include:
Special Category Data may include:-
In accordance with the Council’s Corporate Retention Policy - from point of application of employment and continuously during employment to end date. Data is then held for 6 years after termination of employment.
Internally: Payroll, IT, Departmental Line Managers, Emergency Planning, Finance and any other relevant service as required.
Externally: HMRC, Local Government Pension Scheme, Occupational Health Providers, Salary Sacrifice Providers, References given to future employers.
The Authority may occasionally need to share your Special Category Data outside of the Authority, although it will do so only with your explicit consent. This means that you will be asked to respond actively either orally or in writing to any particular disclosure of your Special Category Data. For example for referral to an Occupational Health Provider.
Individuals themselves (Data Subjects)
External sources - Police, other Local Government bodies, HMRC, previous employers.
Internal HR officers, internal department admin in relation to job description, restructures, file notes.
No automated decision making applies to this process.