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1.1 Electronic communications have revolutionised organisational communications. The use of technology is a fast and effective electronic means of gathering information that can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Council. Access to electronic means of communications is provided primarily for proper business use for Members of the Council and other authorised third parties.
1.2 Monitoring in many cases is undertaken to safeguard Members as well as to protect their own interests and those of service users. Monitoring arrangements are also part of the security mechanisms used to protect technology and information.
1.3 Tendring District Council is committed to monitoring the usage of electronic communications, which includes e mail, internet access, telephone, mobile phone and fax to ensure that the Council meets it’s obligation for Member’s health and safety and to ensure that technology is used appropriately in the workplace.
1.4 All monitoring of individuals undertaken by Tendring District Council aims to be fair and not to intrude on individual’s private lives. Monitoring must not interfere with the relationship of mutual trust and confidence that should exist between Members and Officers of the Council. The Council will always endeavour not to access anything that is clearly private or personal .
1.5 This policy aims to set out the standards and rules for all users of the Council’s electronic communications. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Council’s Security Policy, Intranet, Internet and E Mail policy. Copies of these documents can be found on the Council’s intranet or from Human Resources.
1.6 Members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the facilities and make use of the Council’s own Internet site www.tendringdc.gov.uk
2.1 The policy applies to Members whilst working on the Council’s IT facilities or authorised remote access from a user’s own IT equipment . This policy applies to all Internet access routes including (but not limited to) PCs, laptops, electronic diaries and mobile telephones.
3.1 Monitoring usually results in the collection of personal information , which means that the Data Protection Act 1998 will apply. The Regulations of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, the Lawful Business Practice Regulations and the Human Rights Act 1998 will also apply. The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 provides protection from unauthorised use or downloading of publications including electronic publications and The Computer Misuse Act 1990 protects against hacking into computer systems.
3.2 Tendring District Council is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity and takes steps to ensure that all Members are not discriminated against either directly or indirectly on the grounds of gender, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, creed/religion, ethnic or national origin.
3.3 In the application of this procedure and in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Tendring District Council will make any reasonable adjustments to cater for Members who have a disability.
There are many reasons for monitoring and these include the following:
Monitoring can include:
5.1 Any queries about Monitoring At Work and the contents of this policy should be addressed to Human Resources.
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