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Third Party Request for Disclosure of Personal Data Form

Please use this form to record any requests received from the Police or other third party organisations that may require it for legal proceedings.

If the applicant does not know what exemption they are asking us to consider applying then they cannot have the information. In general terms nobody, except the individual the information relates to, is entitled to receive personal data – this includes the police - unless we receive a court order to do so.

However there are some suggested non-disclosure exemptions on the form which may assist with the process. 

If you use this form, please develop and use a logical departmental reference system which is meaningful and consistent. For example, if the data is CCTV then you may wish to use a department identifier, date, time and location reference for the extract being provided.

Please retain the form for reference in the event of challenge by the Information Commissioner's Office or request by the Data Protection Officer.

If you are in any doubt as to whether or not you should disclose the information, please contact the Data Protection Officer for guidance by email at DPAOfficer@tendringdc.gov.uk or by phone on 01255 686060.

Link to form
Data Team
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