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Before you can access Self-Service, you will need to know where to find it.
If you head to TED, you will see a drop down menu titled “Link to” This will give you various options, including “Self Service”. If you click on this tab, you will be redirected to the SelfService page.
Now you can access Self Service.
Once you click on Self Service, you should automatically be logged into ITrent. Should you have any difficulty logging in, please do not hesitate to contact Human Resources on 01255 686333, or email selfservice@tendringdc.gov.uk.
This is your menu; you will be able to access various links, including your payroll information and Leave requests. By selecting an option, you will be taken to another section, which will allow you to edit some details and view others.
There are various options within your “Personal Information” Section. Each sub-option will contain sensitive information about you and your position in the Council.
Your “My Pay” section will have your full list of payslips which are available for download.
The chart allows you to view the structure of the whole council. It's an easy to way to view what members of staff belong in each team.
If you have any problems, questions or queries about Self-Service, please contact Human Resources via email (selfservice@tendringdc.gov.uk) or via telephone (ext. 6333).