TED Web Chat
Talk to TED
Tendring District Council Chief Executive Ian Davidson gives an update on the Pay Award; details on flu vaccinations and Christmas operating hours; senior management restructure; and about building a positive and inclusive work environment.
Hello colleagues, I hope you’re all doing well.
I’ve got a number of important updates to share with you today, so I’ll dive right in.
Firstly, negotiations have now concluded between the national employers body and the trade unions, and it was pleasing to see that the award for 2024 has now been agreed.
This will see all pay points up to senior management level go up by £1,290 (pro rata for part-time staff) backdated to the 1st of April this year, whilst senior manager roles will rise by 2.5%. In addition, some allowances will also go up by 2.5%.
My thanks go to the payroll team who are working hard to implement this in time for November payday, and I would remind any staff who receive Universal Credit to seek advice on any possible implications the private pay rise may have for them.
I’m pleased to announce that we will all once again be offering flu jabs for all staff this year. With flu season approaching, it’s more important than ever to protect ourselves and each other.
Please look out for details which are coming soon from HR and will be on TED. Please remember if you are eligible for a free vaccination you should use the relevant process for that. Let’s all take advantage of this opportunity to stay healthy.
Next, I want to talk about our harassment and bullying policy which will be updated soon in line with new legislation. There won’t be significant changes, but we want to ensure our workplace remains safe and everyone’s dignity is respected.
It’s crucial that we all understand and adhere to the policy to maintain a positive and inclusive work environment. Employees should understand that incidents of harassment, bullying or other inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated, whether from a colleague or a third party.
If you experience or witness any form of harassment, please do not hesitate to report it to your line manager, or if you would prefer, to a member of the HR team, using the new dedicated e-mail address (which will be in the bulletin, or you can find on TED as we approach the festive season).
I wanted to remind you of our Christmas working arrangements, as set out in the recent all staff brief. This year, the Council offices will be closed from 4 pm on Christmas Eve and reopen on 2 January 2025. However, essential services will continue to operate and we have plans in place to ensure that any urgent matters are addressed promptly.
I encourage everyone to take this time to relax, enjoy their time with their families and enjoy the heart of those holidays.
I’d also like to give a big advance thanks to all those who will continue working or be on call during this time who can, as in previous years, take back that time at a later date.
Now on to some internal changes. Following the announcement of Anastasia’s upcoming departure from our organisation, I’ve taken the opportunity to reshape our senior management structure – rather than directly replacing Anastasia.
We’re making permanent the temporary reallocation of services that previously reported to her. So, Community Safety will now report to Damian Williams; Health and Partnerships to Lee Heley; and Careline to Gary Guiver, who will now become the Director of Planning and Community. The People function will be led by Katie Wilkins and will report to me directly as head of paid service.
Additionally, to reflect the distinction between those on the management team and those who are not, we are updating some job titles for Richard Barrett and Lisa Hastings. Existing members of the management team will now be called directors.
I’m also pleased to announce that Lee Heley will take on the role of Deputy chief executive, supporting me and taking the lead in my absence.
I’m delighted to have such an experienced and highly qualified team of senior managers to support our organisation and yourselves through all our endeavours. I know you will continue to give them your full support as we navigate these changes and continue our important work for the community.
And may I also give my thanks to Anastasia for her dedication and service to Tendring District Council over a number of years.
Lastly, I want to update you on the possible changes to our Careline services. We recently conducted a consultation and received more than 1,000 responses, and we are currently processing and reviewing all the feedback which will help inform Cabinet’s final decision on the future of Careline. In the meantime, we continue to serve our existing customers and support our staff, who may be affected by these potential changes.
I would like to thank you all for your hard work and dedication and together we’re making a real difference in Tendring. If you have any questions or need further information on any of these topics, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your managers or to your directors.
Take care and I’ll see you in the next update.