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Dear colleagues,
I wanted to update you with some good news regarding our 2023/24 pay award.
As you will know, here at Tendring District Council we are part of the National Employers arrangements, where the pay award is negotiated and set nationally.
This process has now been completed, and the 2023/24 Pay Award confirmed. This is a £1,925 increase for all staff up to Spinal Column Point (SCP) 43 (the top of grade 11); and a 3.88% increase for officers above that point. For reference, this equates to a 9.4% pay rise for those on our lowest SCP.
An updated Salary Scales document is attached.
Our Payroll team is now working hard to implement the increase. In November you will receive your updated rate of pay (that is to say your monthly salary at the new rate). Backdated pay for the previous seven months of the financial year will be paid in December’s pay.
We understand back pay can affect those who are receiving Universal Credit. If you are impacted by this issue then we recommend you speak to your Universal Credit Work Coach via your online account or call the Universal Credit Helpline on 0800 328 5644.
Negotiations for the 2024/25 pay award are ongoing.
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued hard work – and also give particular thanks to the Payroll team who have the significant task of implementing this for us but do so at pace.
Best wishes,
Ian Davidson
Chief Executive