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Staff and Members' Guide to Parking Permits (MiPermit)

Staff and Members' guide to the Mi Permit system

If staff do not have a virtual parking permit account your line manager will need to email parkingservices@tendringdc.gov.uk confirming your location and whether or not you need to park in any other areas around the district for work purposes.

Parking Permit for Tendring District Council Car Parks

Parking permits are now virtual. You do not need to display anything in your vehicle. The enforcement officers who patrol our car parks do so using hand held computer terminals. As your registration number is entered into the terminal a message is displayed advising the officer of the amount of valid parking time on your account (365 days).

For this reason you must ensure that the registration number listed on your account is correct for the vehicle you are using. You can change your vehicle registration as often as necessary but you may only have one registration attached to your account.  

You will receive an email explaining that you have now been set up with a MiPermit account.  You will also be given a PIN number which you will need when logging into your MiPermit account. In this email there will be a link to https://secure.mipermit.com/tendring which will allow you to alter your permit as and when you need to.

Once you have clicked on the above link, you will be directed to the following page, where you will need to enter your council email address and PIN number.

Screen shot of log in screen for MiPermit
MiPermit login screen

After logging into your account you will see on the left hand side a list of pages required for changing any of your details.

To change your registration

To change your registration on your permit you will need to click the link ‘Manage Virtual Permits’ then ‘Staff Parking Permits’:

screenshot of menu button and description
Registration change process

You will then come to a page that looks something like this:

Screenshot of registration table page
Permit summary screen

You will then need to choose your name which will then open your permit information below, this is a brief summary of all the information of your permit. It will show which permit you have and which car park(s) you may use along with when your permit is due to expire:

Screenshot of example car park permit page
Example of a car park staff permit page

We have some car park specific permits. Staff permits may only be used during your working hours. Some examples of these permits are as follows:

Screenshot of example car park permits
Example of car park specific permits

Members have a staff permit which allows you to park on all Tendring District Council car parks excluding Agate Road (Clacton), as this is a very small seafront car park.

You will also be able to edit your registration on this page should you need to change it at any time by simply clicking on the orange ‘Edit Registrations’ button, taking you to the following screen:

Screenshot of editing permit details screen
Screenshot of editing permit details screen

From here you are able to delete the current text, and change it for your new registration details (you must make sure there are no spaces) and simply click ‘Save Details’

Screenshot of editing permit details screen
Screenshot of editing permit details screen

Once saved, your details will be updated and your permit will then have changed for the officers to see on their terminal.

Changing your PIN

If you wanted to change your PIN number to something you are more likely to remember, you will need to look on the left hand side of your page again and choose the ‘Members & Vehicles’ icon

MiPermit Members and vehicles icon
MiPermit Members and vehicles icon

which will take you to the below screen:

Screenshot of member login page
Member login page

From here you will need to click the ‘Change PIN’ button to produce:

Screenshot of change Pin page
Screenshot of change PIN page

Once you have entered your new four digit PIN, you will need to ‘Save PIN’ which will take you back to your ‘Member Logins’ screen as shown above.

Further assistance

If you have any difficulties with any aspect of the MiPermit system the Parking and Seafronts team will be happy to assist you. We can be contacted on 01255 686969 during office hours.  

We hope you find the virtual system to be effective and efficient in assisting you to park when completing officer duties.

For a full list of TDC car parks visit the Parking Services page on the website.

Link to form
Parking Services
Last updated on:
August 2023