TED Web Chat
Talk to TED
We are keen to hear all your ideas of how we can improve the services provided by the Council and work more efficiently.
All ideas however large or small will be considered. Those ideas that are taken forward will be featured on the "You said, we did" below.
The Staff Suggestion Scheme remains in place and as always, we are keen to hear all your ideas of how we can improve the services provided by the Council and work more efficiently.
Just some of the great ideas which have been submitted and taken forward include:-
You said...Close the main Tendring offices between Christmas and New Year, making savings on utilities and boosting staff morale.
We did…Tendring closed the majority of the offices over the Christmas period, retaining a main customer contact centre to deal with any urgent queries in 2016. General closure has now been agreed moving forward.
You said...Change from expensive strip lighting to LED which is more cost efficient.
We did…Tendring over the last 5 years have introduced a number of initiatives that reduce energy consumption. These include replacing old fashioned fluorescent tubes with energy efficient T5 tubes. We have also introduced LED lighting where it is suitable to do so. A large proportion of the lighting within the office accommodation sites is already energy efficient.
You said…Centralise the design and printing of documents. Make a comprehensive list of all regular brochures, leaflets, publications, forms etc. and perhaps put it out to tender.
We did…Print Unit is now able to provide a full service from printing to enveloping and posting making this support service efficient and effective in supporting the Council in saving money.
You said…use Skype to hold internet meetings to save the cost on travel, officer time etc.
We did… Skype for Business has been rolled out to all services with the exception of Leisure Centres where we are working to resolve broadband connectivity issues. This includes the facility to video/conference call. Now we have this with Teams.
You said…Recycling paper, cans, plastic, etc.
We did…A recycling scheme has been in place for some time now that recycles a significant volume of the waste produced in Council offices.
You said…Set up a room to meet up for lunch with colleagues. This would enable staff to have their lunch away from their desks. Have a team rather then individual people isolated in offices in own department.
Room in Pier Avenue l for similar use.
You said…Make improvement to hardware and network access to enable to work from home.
We did… Remote working is now available for most staff.
You said… I believe that offering a flu jab to all those staff frequently visiting peoples homes or having contact with the public would not only help staff stay healthy but also cut sickness during winter months.
We did… Flu vaccinations take place yearly. Those officers who were unable to attend and declared an interest in receiving this benefit were offered a voucher to use at a local pharmacy.
A number of other initiatives have also been raised which are currently being considered/developed as part of the Transforming Tendring Agenda:-
• Rationalisation of offices
• Coffee Franchisee with TDC buildings
• Kiosks (self service portal).
• IDOX Document Management System rollout
We will of course keep you updated on those ideas taken forward, in the meantime, do please keep them coming!