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AAS: Assisted Area Status - A European designation awarded to specific locations in the UK exhibiting social and economic depravation but which also have opportunities for economic growth.
ASB: Anti-Social Behaviour
Basic Allowance - A flat rate allowance paid to all Members.
BIS: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - The former Government department with responsibility for Business, Inward Investment, Innovation and Skills. Now merged with the Department of Energy and Climate Change to form the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
BR: Business Rates - See NDR.
CAT: Citizens Advice Tendring - Tendring Citizens' Advice is located in Clacton but provides outreach services in other parts of the district giving people free, independent and confidential advice.
ICB/ICS: Integrated Care Board / Integrated Care Systems - Clinically-led statutory NHS bodies responsible for the planning and commissioning of health care services for their local area.
CF: Collection Fund - A separate fund of the Council which receives income from Council Tax and Business Rates
CIPFA: Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy - The main professional body for people in public finance,
CQC: Care Quality Commission -The independent regulator of all health and social care services in England.
CSP: Community Safety Partnership – Community Safety Partnerships were introduced by Section 6 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and bring together local partners to formulate and deliver strategies to tackle crime and disorder in their communities.
CVST: Community Voluntary Services Tendring - CVST supports, promotes and develops the voluntary and community sector.
DCLG: Department for Communities and Local Government - The former Government Department with responsibility for Local Government. Is now the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).
DPI: Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest - Interests of a pecuniary nature which much be disclosed by Members in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and associated regulations.
DWP: Department for Work and Pensions - The Government Department responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy.
EA: Environment Agency - EA is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
EDS: Economic Development Strategy - Economic Strategy developed and approved by Tendring District Council
EELGA: East of England Local Government Association - A politically-led, cross party organisation which works on behalf of the 52 local councils in the East of England.
EPA: End Point Assessment - an assessment carried out independently to check learning has been completed satisfactorily (and marked correctly), often at the end of a qualification such as an apprenticeship.
EPAO: End Point Assessment Organisation - a body that carries out an EPA.
ERDF: European Regional Development Fund - European funding administered via Government and the Local Enterprise Partnership
ERS: Employer Recognition Scheme - The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme certifies employers who support employment of Armed Force Reservists, veterans and their families, through supportive HR policies and, at a higher level, advocacy work.
ESF: European Social Fund - European funding administered via Government and the Local Enterprise Partnership
ESIF: European Structural Investment Strategy - Investment Strategy developed by the South East Local Enterprise Partnership through which to access European funding.
FDGiA: Flood Defence Grant in Aid Scheme - Funding which can be applied for from the Environment Agency to carry out flood and coastal erosion risk management.
FOI(A): Freedom of Information (Act) - The 2000 Act provides a right of public access to information held by public bodies subject to some exemptions.
GF: General Fund - A separate fund of the Council which meets costs and receives income related to all non council housing services.
GIS: Geographic Information System - A system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyse, manage, and present all types of spatial or geographical data.
Head of Paid Service - A statutory post under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 which in Tendring is fulfilled by the Chief Executive
Health and Wellbeing Board - The Health and Social Care Act 2012 established health and wellbeing boards as a forum where key leaders from the health and care system work together to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population and reduce health inequalities. There is an Essex wide Board as well as a Tendring Board.
HGP: Haven Gateway Partnership - Partnership comprising businesses and local authorities in North Essex and South Suffolk and clustered around the Haven Ports.
HMO: House in Multiple Occupation - A property occupied by more than one household with shared facilities, three or more storeys and five or more people requires a licence.
HR: Human Resources - The department which deals with staffing and personnel issues, policies and so on.
HRA: Housing Revenue Account - A separate fund of the Council which meets costs and receives income related to all council housing services.
iHasco - e-learning provider used by TDC primarily for health and safety related courses.
IRP: Independent Remuneration Panel - The Panel that makes recommendations on the Members’ Allowances Scheme for consideration by Council.
LCTSS: Local Council Tax Support Scheme - The scheme to assess the level of discount residents in hardship receive against their council tax bill.
iTrent - HR system (coming soon)
Levy - A tax paid by large employers to provide funds for apprenticeships
LGA: Local Government Association - A politically-led, cross-party organisation that works on behalf of councils to ensure local government has a strong, credible voice with national government.
LPRG: Large Project Review Group - A body of the Environment Agency which assures projects costing over £10million.
Monitoring Officer - A statutory post under the Local Government and housing Act 1989 with a specific duty to ensure that the Council, its Officers, and its Elected Councillors, maintain the highest standards of conduct in all they do. At Tendring the role is fulfilled by the Assistant Director (Governance)/Deputy Chief Executive.
NEET: Not in Education, Employment or Training - A young person (16-24) who is not in Education, Employment or Training
NDR: Non Domestic Rates - Also called Business Rates – these are paid by local businesses. Some of the funding is retained locally (Retained Business Rates) with the remainder returned to Central Government and redistributed.
PAR: Project Appraisal Report - A submission to the Environment Agency for approval of a flood or coastal project business case.
PI: Performance Indicator - A measure of a performance target
PO: Purchase Order - document which must be raised before spending is made
PWLB: Public Works Loan Board - The Public Works Loan Board is a statutory body operating within the United Kingdom Debt Management Office, an Executive Agency of HM Treasury. PWLB's function is to lend money from the National Loans Fund to local authorities, and to collect the repayments.
RGF: Regional Growth Fund - European funding administered via Government.
RIPA: Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act - The 2000 Act Parliament of the United Kingdom, regulates the powers of public bodies to carry out surveillance and investigation.
RSG: Revenue Support Grant - A central government grant that partly supports the cost of the General Fund along with Retained Business Rates and Council Tax
S151 Officer - A statutory post under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 to hold responsibility for financial affairs in the Council which at Tendring is fulfilled by the Assistant Director (Finance and IT).
SAR: Subject Access Request - A request made by an individual for information (data) held about them by an organisation.
SECORE: South East Centre for Offshore Engineering - A Government designation bestowed on Harwich and Brightlingsea as well as port locations in Kent and East Sussex linked to offshore renewable engineering.
SELEP: South East Local Enterprise Partnership - The South East Local Enterprise Partnership is the business-led, public/private body established to drive economic growth across East Sussex, Essex, Kent, Medway, Southend and Thurrock. It is one of 39 partnerships set up by the government to be the key body determining strategic economic priorities while making investments and delivering activities to drive growth and create local jobs. Local Enterprise Partnerships are in the process of being dissolved and absorbed into county councils (or equivalent upper tier authorities).
SEP: Strategic Economic Plan - Strategic Economic Plan developed by the South East Local Enterprise Partnership.
Skillgate - TDC's e-learning provider.
SME: Small to Medium Sized Enterprises - In the UK a company is defined as being an SME if it meets two out of three criteria: it has a turnover of less than £25million, it has less than 250 employees, it has gross assets of less than £12.5million.
SNEE: Suffolk and North East Essex - often used for local health boundaries (such as SNEE ICS).
SRA: Special Responsibility Allowances - Allowances paid to Members who hold specific positions within the Council and SRAs are in addition to the basic allowance.
TDC: Tendring District Council
TESB: Tendring Education Strategic Board - A group of representatives from County and District Councils together with Head Teachers to look at education issues in the district.
TCF: Tendring Community Fund - A funding pot established by Tendring District Council to award grants to local community organisations.
TWG: Tendring Working Group - A cross organisation group considering regeneration and economic development in the area.
Ultra Vires - Any action or decision which the Council does not have the power to take or make.
Widdicombe - The methodology by which seats on Committees are allocated to Members’ and calculated by taking the number of Members’ in each group pro-rata to the total number of Members’ in the Council.
Have a term you think you should be added here? Email communications@tendringdc.gov.uk with the details to get it added.